Bowlesque exposure


Av T-side Ape - 2013-10-07 21:48

It started on where I played some matches with a Necromantic team, and I really enjoyed myself. Soon I just had to have a ready necro team to play next season in my local league. I put the Chaos farm rest and just started painting some of the many miniatures I had. The team is not ready yet, I have not select zombie models as I think the ones I have from Willy's are to big, but I wanted to share my progress. Here are some almost finished players for Chilltown Crypt Creeps


The Werevolfes and Wights are from Willy miniatures. The fleshgolems are bought from franarscilla and can nowdays be found at Meiko.

I have also started painted 2 mummies and 4 golems from Willys. The Golems have gotten different heads thou. 


These models are even futher from finished than the first bunch.



Otherwise are we preparing to go to Austria and fight for the EuroBowl. Team Sweden have practise a lot and have a really great gang going this year. If the quality of Chaos Cup and Spike tournament is anything to go by, Sweden will do very well. Congrats to Magnus, Jonas och Anders for great achivements and specially to David, the Chaos Cup champ.




Av T-side Ape - 2012-04-05 10:26

I am off for GothBowl this weekend. I am going to play with my Nurgle team and Nurgle is kind off weak in the GothBowl format but I am just playing for fun, right ? ;)

I have played with a new Nurgle team in the PEBBLe league this season and have 1-1-3 after five matches with is my worst ever with a new team. If you roll enough dubbleskulls you lose with a new Nurgle team is my lesson. I hope I will roll a little better at GothBowl and be able to take less risks.

I am also thinking about a skaven or Underworld team as I am not painting right now. The Chaos Dwarf should get some paint on them but I am lazy and cant really seem to get things done. Anyway, today when I should pack my bags and clean out my car for the trip to Gothenburg I sat down and made some Cobblestone bases for the future skaven team. I painted one to show the idea. The bases are made out of red lentils and sand:


And this is one base painted:

black                                          /grey brown/                            highlights + wash

I think it will look really good as bases for an "indoor"/underworld team. One question is if I should put some static grass among the stones?

/coach M.  

As the year approach its ending and a new one soon begins I would like to list my project for the next year. Not that I have any delusions on that I not will change my mind during the year but it is a great way to get my mind to ease. To plan and putting up some guidelines for my creativity is allways a way to focus and get things going.

Project 0: the blog

The first small change is this blog. I will try to write in English instead of Swedish, of two reasons: to be able to reach a bigger audience (all in vain I fear), and foremost to practice myself in expressing myself in the queens English. To be more adept to write in a more international language then Swedish are good and why not use this blog to serve that purpose? If you are on the same mission to learn or improve on a languge I can recommend, besides starting a painting blog:

Project 1: the Quar

The models that got this blog started and even got myself back into miniatures and wargaming are the Quars that zombie smith makes. The head zombie Aaron Brown continues churning out alot of lovely models and the third book about the Quars was released this summer/fall. At the moment I have 27 royalist painted and 27 crusaders almost done and some more ordered. My goal is to make enough forces for demo game of this this Quars war and of songs for our ancestors for my gaming friends this spring.

Project 2: Terrain

A long time I have had a yearning to make my own gaming table. I have started but have a long way to go before I am finished. My goal is to finish the Quar village for the demo game, whish include making some fields, some houses, beehives, fences, scarecrows, bushes, bridges etcetera. The problem for this project is the space and the lack of a large hobby area in my apartment. All the parts mention above is possible to make at my currant desk but the planed landscape with hills and a little river is not. I will have to compromise with my fiancee about that part.

The other part of the terrain is that it should be suitable to double as terrain for my warmahoardes play and for my next project...

Project 3: VSF

I saw this miniature and I was in love. Ottomans in steam punk setting is right down my alley besides the Quar. The Victorian Science Fiction (VSF) is an intriguing setting with a lot of lovely characters and flavor. My goal is to slowly build a small Ottoman VSF force with a lot of greenstuffed/converted models and paint them to the best of my ability. I hope some of my gaming friends will follow suit and start some other VSF nation.

Project 4: Warmahordes

I will continue to play games with my Cryx and my Skorne forces. To this day I still just have lost two games out of nearly 30 but if I participate in some real tournaments I think I can get my ass handed to me. The problem with this game is that you have to have so many miniatures that arent that nice to be able to make all the different lists. My goal is to have a fully painted 35 pts Terminus force and slowly expand towards 50 during 2012.

Project 5: Blood Bowl

This is my favorite game to play but as I today have three fully painted teams and I have not played that much with two of them so I am not in no hurry to paint another one. Even so, I have 3-4 unpainted teams at home and if I get a surge they will get pained. My goal is to during 2012 paint one of my Nurgle, Chaos Dwarf, Lizardmen or Chaos teams, and beside off painting, continue to play in and help to organize the local league and NärkeBowl 2012.

Project 6: Board games

Beside miniature games I am a huge board game fan. To build an adjustable roborally gameboard and to paint the robots are an old dream that I maybe will do this year. But just to play civilization, chaos in the old world or a game of throne is enough to make me happy.


Other things (that might get in my way)

This spring and parts of the fall 2012 am I am studying neuropsychology beside working full time. I know that a large part of my spare time will have to read books and preparing for the lectures. I am also thinking about the post-apocalypse and all the wonderful miniatures different companies have for that genre and I would like to write a novel about evolution at some time, but that could wait another year.

Happy New Year



Av T-side Ape - 2011-12-10 18:35

Målade färdigt huset som jag byggde i tidigare post. Bilderna på huset blev dock inte så bra då blixten gjorde att de ser väldigt konstiga ut.


Vidare håller jag på att bygga ihop ytterligare 3 hus i samma stil (fast med skorsten :) ). Planen är att i längden bygga ett helt 4*4 fots bord med en liten gård i mitten. Framförallt är det för att vara passande terräng för mina Quar, men även warmahordes skall gå att spela.

Passade även på att fotografera alla mina målade Quar royalister:


Nästa mål för mitt Quar-målande är lika många crusaders. Kanske hinner jag över jul.


Spelade även lite med mina Skorne i veckan och kan bara säga att eMorghul är snabb, oträffbar och likt en kryssningsrobot inställd på att döda motståndarens warcaster.


Snabba makaroner

Av T-side Ape - 2011-11-29 19:20

Beställde lite nya Quar då de är så snygga och bestämde mig att måla färdigt mina gamla Quars modeller till jul. Det är ett ambitiöst projekt men jag hoppas att jag ska kunna hålla i och göra färdigt dem. Vidare byggde jag ett hus för mina Quar ur en snabbmakarons kartong, Tejp, lim och en sax. Jag följde tips från dessa två sidor som jag kan rekomendera att ni läser om ni vill testa att bygga hus:

Efter detta bygge beslöt jag mig för att bygga några hus till men beslöt mig även för att investera i lite s.k foamboard för att underlätta byggandet och slippa irriterade buktande kartongväggar.


En Quar och hans hus. I bakgrunden syns stommarna till ytterligare två hus och support traktorer.


Ovido - Quiz & Flashcards