Bowlesque exposure

Side line recap #1

Av T-side Ape - 2012-09-02 16:30

With this entry will Bowlesqe Exposure change its focus in some regard. Up to this point it has been a blog mainly following my escapades in miniature gaming – i.e., painting, modeling and playing in tournaments. From here on the topic will be fantasy football but the format will be post every other, every third week with three points of subjects:

  1. New kids on the pitch – a review over the newest miniatures just released on the market and a summary of interesting “kick starters”.
  2. Bowl overview – upcoming tournaments in Sweden and sum ups of tournament I’ve been to.
  3. Ready steady go! – What I have finished since last post, on the way to have all the 24 teams and 58(?) star players painted for Blood Bowl.

That is the idea anyhow. We all know that sometimes life gets in the way and it then will be a longer break than two weeks between posts, sometimes shorter, but that is life.

New kids on the pitch

In the future this section will cover what has happened since last post. As this is the first is it kind of hard to sum up everything this far. Therefore will I just focus on some of the latest teams that are new this fall and point you to my list “Golden age of Blood Bowl” if you want older ones.

Impact Ape-team is a new team with Apes as players. You can use it as a proxy Orc, Chaos Dwarf or really any team. The models are great and reminds me of planet of apes, the old movie. I think I will have to make a human team out of them... As Laughing Ferret most brilliantly already has done. 

Bauedas Night Talon is a new team from a new manufacture. Bauedas have something they call Trogball where the Night Talons play and they are announcing that they will be releasing a female orc team in the future. The sculpts of the Night Talons has not convinced me but it is always nice with more manufactures of miniatures.

Neomics have two new teams, a Rat team and an Underworld team. Both teams have great models and that underworld team is also the first underworld team I have seen on the whole market. It I was not building my own I would have bought that.

Franarcilla has six new Ogres and they are all great. The sculpts seems to be inspired from the 2:nd edition blood bowl ogres with I think is the way to go.

Greebo Mawar-team is a team of ratmen in football uniforms. Very nice for a skaven team, now with a big guy.

Greebo also have a Kickstarter for a Nippon Goblin team with some mutated turtles, rats and bebops. I can really recommend you to take a look at this great team!

Mantic Dread Ball may not be great models for BloodBowl as the miniature is too much Science Fiction but the game has got a great backing at the kickstarter and has a possible to be new great game in a Speedball 2 setting. I have already pledged and sat this morning to brainstorm team names. With the team Brutal Delux from Speed ball 2 as a model I had names as “Lunar-Astro Overdrive”, “Endless Cowboys”, “Android runners”, “Multi-motion copy cats”, “Zero polarity”, “Radical swing-robots” and “Jump Rebels 3030” on my pad not before long. The future (year 3030) will se some of this teams come true as I have all four teams coming my way. (me and a friend have pledged at the cheerleader level).

For more Blood Bowl miniature guiding, se The Golden Age of BloodBowl.

Bowl overview

The fall of 2012 has some great possibilities to play Blood Bowl at tournaments in Sweden. One tournament per month is great a allot better then prior years. That 3 out of 4 is NAF-sanctioned is also a great leap forward!

NärkeBowl 2012 - 29-30 september - is the next upcoming tournament in the middle of Sweden. It is the 3:d tournament that I am a part of organizing and we have a lot of coaches registred already. Last registration is 16 september. New for this week is that places 1 to 4 get prizes and that all coaches gets 3 special block dices. Format Swiss/res TV1250K. NAF

NärkeBowl Block dice schematics 

Nordsken - 29 september - a Blood bowl tournament on the gaming con Nordsken. Collides with NärkeBowl so I cant attend. Swiss/res TV1100K.

EuroBowl - 20 - 31 October - in Copenhagen, Denmark is the big bang during the fall of 2012. The teams are filing in and it seem to be a great tournament. New for this year is that you can play in a individual tournament. Format Swiss/res TV1100K + 3/3 skills. NAF

Stockbowl cup III - 10 November - in the Swedish Capital have today 14 coaches registred, I am one of those with Ziggurat Showstoppers. Format Swiss/res TV1100K + 5 skills. NAF

Ready steady go!

(or what I have achived...)

The White Thrash Rats are getting they game face on. At the moment 4 converted and painted linerats are completted.

 Twitch-ich Run-un and his three friends. 

I am still pondering if, or rather how, I should change the prior made blitzers. I am not so keen on their look at the moment. But I also have to paint a linerat, two throwers and four gutter runners so I aint in no hurry to decide.

Thats all for now, bowl on!

/Coach M

Golden age of Blood Bowl

Av T-side Ape - 2012-09-01 16:30

Some time ago I wrote a message about where you could buy some lovely blood bowl miniatures. I have now made a new updated list in this post (and i will try to keep it updated in the future [updated: 2013 05 30] ). The homepages are ordered in the order I would visit them. I like franarcilla and Gaspez alot and Shadowforge not that much but feel free to brows thru them in any order you like. Most of the additions to the list comes from , a fantastic forum if you are in to fantasy fotboll games.

Miniaturas Franarcilla

Gaspez arts

Impact! Miniatures


Willy Miniatures

Uscarl miniature


Mano di Porco

Games Workshop (for old BB miniatures: Blood Bowl miniature Archive)

Black Scorpion miniatures
Goblin Forge

Green Dog miniatures
Hasslefree Miniatures

Heresy Minatures

Shadowforge Miniatures (miniatures now at Eureka miniatures)

Necrom studio

Meiko miniatures

Bauedas miniature

Mantic Dread Ball


I saw a post on  where the user Spiky had arranged the diffrent teams by race so you could look into the team you where intressed in. I have rearranged the teams with some recomendations and also added a few he hadnt included but Spiky made the orginal foundament for this next list.


My team: Nun Shall Pass - Shadowforge Nun Gridiron Team

Impact timberline elfs

Greebo Alyon team 

Greebo Silvania

Warlord Games Dwarf Ladies

Impact! Valkyries

Impact! Black Widows

Shadowforge Bunny Gridiron Team

Shadowforge Female Gridiron Team

Bauedas Night Talon

Games workshops amazon team

My favorite chaos team: Willy miniatures Chaos team

Gaspez Chaos

Neomics Chaos

Mano di porko Chaos

Impact! Samhaino

Impact! Siringit

Games workshops Chaos all stars

Chaos Pact
My favorite chaos pact team: your own custom build

Impact! Siringit

Gaspez Chaos Pact

Neomics Pact

Chaos Dwarf

My team: Ziggurat Showstoppers - Greebo Volmarian and Hobgoblins from Games workshops,
minotaur from Uscarl Miniatures Chaos Dwarves

Gaspez Chaos Dwarves

Impact! Black Rock Dwarves

Impact Ape-team

Impact! Siringit

Dark Elf
My favorite Dark elf team: Gaspez Dark Elves

Impact! Black Widows

Shadowforge Wicked Elf Gridiron Team

Neomics Dark Elves

Bauedas Night Talon

Games workshop Naggaroth nightmares

My favorite Dwarf teams: Gaspez pirate Dwarfs AND Neomics Biker Dwarfs

Black scorpion dwarf team

Warlord Games Dwarf Ladies 

Greebo Legio 

Impact! Thunder Hammer Dwarves 

Shadowforge Dwarfette Gridiron Team

Games Workshop The grudgebearers


My favorite Elf team: gaspez-arts Savage Elf And Impact timberline elfs

Gaspez arts Elves
Neomics Elves 

Greebo Alyon 

Shadowforge Female Elf Gridiron Team

Games workshops orginal Elf team

My favorite Goblin team: Greebo Nippon Goblin team

Neomics Goblins 

Meiko miniatures Goblin team with 2 trolls 

Gaspez Goblin Circus

Uscarls the Goboz 

Impact! Gnomes 

Games workshop Goblin team


My favorite Halfling team: Games workshop Halfling team
Impact! Gnomes 

Impact! Deadlings 

Greebo Buggers

High Elf
My favorite High elf team: Greebo Alyon and Black Scorpions Human team 

Gaspez Prince Elves team 

Neomics Elves

Shadowforge Female Elf Gridiron Team

Games workshop The Galadrieth Gladiators

My favorite Human team: Impact Ape-team

Neomics human team

Black Scorpion

Impact! Middle Kingdoms

Impact! Desert Dogs

Impact! Multi-Part Humans

Shadowforge Nun Gridiron Team

Shadowforge Bunny Gridiron Team

Shadowforge Female Gridiron Team

Games workshop Human team


My favorite Khemri team: Willy Egyptian team

Gaspez team egyptian warriors

Impact! Pharoahs

Games workshop Khemri team

My favorite Lizardmen team: Impact Sarcos (Greebo)

Gaspez Camaleonti

Games workshop Lustrian Cobras

My favorite Necromantic team: Willy miniatures necro

Greebo Necro

Gaspez Necro

Mano di Porco

Impact! Samhaino

Impact! Deadlings

Greebo Halloweenies

Games workshop Necromancer team


My favorite Norse team: Greebo Snö team

Uscarls Scots
Gaspez Nord

Mano di porco Norse team

Impact! Valkyries

Games workshop Norse Rampagers


My team: Likröta BK - Franarcilla rotten with beast of Nurgle converted from a Chthonian Larva - rackham miniatures

Neomics Plague Mutants

Gaspez Putridi

Games workshop Nurgle rotters & Nurgle team


My favorite Ogre team: Impact Scotlings

Franarscillas ogres
Greebo Buggers

Impact! Gnomes

Impact!/Heresy Ogres & Imps

Impact! Siringit

Games workshop Ogre team



My team: New Orks on the Block: Games workshop Orcs with extra Franarscilla big orcs
Gaspez Arts Orc

Neomics Orcs
Greebo Orcs in uniform

Necrom studios orcs

Black Scorpion

Shadowforge Female Orc Gridiron Team
Impact! Siringit

Impact Ape-team

Games workshop The Orcland raiders 



My team: White Rat Thrashers: Games workshop clan rats and crypt ghouls

Neomics rats

Black scorpions vermin team

Gaspez Mice 

Impact! Ratmen

Greebos Mawar team

Green Dog Rats

Games workshop Skavenblight scramblers

My favorite Slann team: Green dogs Thalassianos

Greebo Frogs

Impact! Calasain
Goblinforge French Frogs

Gaspez Frog Men


My favorite Undead team: Willy Miniatures Undead

Gaspez Undead

Comixininos/Mani Di Porco

Greebo Halloweenie

Impact! Deadlings

Games workshop Champions of death

My favorite underworld team: Neomics underworld

See Goblin and Skaven teams for fitting miniatures.



My team: The Super Suckers: Gaspez Vampires and Thralls from FF-store/Neomics humans

Games workshop Vampire team


Wood Elf

My team: Äppelbo BK: Gaspez savage Elves with Treeman from GW

Maiko miniatures Wood elves with tree man

Black scorpion elf team

Greebo Sylvania

Impact! Timberline Elves

Shadowforge Female Elf Gridiron Team

Games Workshop The Athelorn Avengers

Other Blood Bowl links

Fantasy Bowl dices - Makes counters for diffrent fantasy fotball teams and some nice sideline figures.

Sanabeso custom fields - If you want to design your own field and dugout

JB deamon studios - makes some nice blood bowl models

Welcome to the golden age of Blood Bowl gaming!

/Coach M.

From the Below

Av T-side Ape - 2012-08-27 15:28

Playing as number six as a Linerat in White Rat Thrashers are Twitch-itch Run-un. The team comes from the deep under the old world town Pennybridge and as all team members in White Rat Thrashers are he an albino rat who never had seen the light of the sun before he began playing at the Blood Bowl pitch.


Why we have chosen to focus on Twitch-itch is because he also play for the underworld team P.U.L.P (Partnership for Underachivers and Low Performance) there Twitch-itch and some of his fellow Skavens have teamed up with the green skins living in the deep below. As he has taken up playing for two team has he been suffering a lot of injuries but also learned to keep away from the fray with his own sidestepping routine – the twitch-turn-duck-jump.


The next Blood Bowl team to do: a kit-bashed Skaven teams out of parts from Skaven Clanrats and Crypt Ghouls with some shoulder pads from Impact miniatures. The base is one of the cobblestoned bases I made in a prior post. What is the reson to make this team? I would like to have a team that is competitive and playable at NAF championships, and to get there you have to have a team out of models from Gran Wendy.

/Coach M.

Ziggurat Showstoppers

Av T-side Ape - 2012-08-19 17:24


The feeling of having finished a whole team is great. In the beginning I thought that this project would be easy and fast but it took six months... Now I just have to practice with Chaos Dwarves so Ziggurat Showstoppers can join both NärkeBowl and StockBowl Cup III and stop some shows, hard.

I have some great possibilities of this because of the Chaos Dwarf player for Eurobowls team Sweden lives in my hometown and we practice a bit to be able to perform at EuroBowl.

/Coach M.

NärkeBowl 2012

Av T-side Ape - 2012-08-12 15:38

In collaboration with Örebro universitets spelförening, we present


NärkeBowl 2012

29-30 september, Örebro universitets Kårhus.

Scroll down for the rules in swedish.

Register to with complete line-up, name, mobile and NAF number. Last day to register is 16/9. Cost 150 sek, payment via paypal to All participating coaches gets 3 special block dices, design as in picture:


Lördag 29/9

09:30 - 10:00 Setup/registrering

10:00 - 12:15 Game 1/Runda 1

12:15 - 13:15 Lunch

13:15 - 15:30 Game 2/Runda 2

15:30 - 15:45 Break/Rast

15:45 - 18:00 Game 3/Runda 3

18:00 - 18:15 Break/Rast

18:15 - 20:30 Game 4 /Runda 4

Söndag 30/9

10:00 - 12:15 Game 5/Runda 5

12:15 - 13:15 Lunch

13:15 - 15:30 Final/grudgematch

15:30 - 15:45 Break/Rast

15:45 - 16:30 Prize cermony/ Pris utdelning

 What should I bring?

  1. Your team - The models can come from any company. All models must be clearly numbered and recognizable as what they are supposed to represent.
  2. 2 copies of your team's roster - One that you use during the tournament and one for the judges. All players must be named.
  3. Dice (block/d8/d6) templates - Matches to be played with standard block dice (from GW or NAF) unless the players the coaches themselves will agree otherwise.
  4. Blood Bowling field, dugouts - you will probably not need use your own but it is never wrong with extra.

 Tournament format:

  • Rescurrection - you play with the same team each round. 6-matches over Saturday / Sunday. Swiss Pairings game 2-5.
  • Blood Bowl Competition rules (LR 6.0) + slann, underworld and chaos pact
  • All painted team will receive an extra cheerleader and assistant coach for free. Painting is assessed on site at least 3 colors and bases, and painted the whole model is required.
  • Overtime - No overtime are played and if the match is tied after two halves the game ends as a draw. Exceptions to this rule is final and the match for 3rd place play overtime as of LR 6.0
  • Weather - Weather rolled by top table at the start of each round and thus is the same in all matches.
  • Kickoff table - We will have our kickoff table.

Team creation:

  • Tier 1 team - 1250K: Each player may purchase up to one "normal" skill. Tier 1 team has to be worth exactly 1.25 million in Team Value including skills and inducements. Tier 1 teams are all teams that are not in tier 2 or 3.
  • Tier 2 teams - 1270K: Each player may purchase up to one "normal" skill. One player may have a "double" skill rather than their "normal" or a "stacked" skill beyond their "normal". Tier 2 teams must be worth exactly 1.27 million in Team Value including skills and inducements. Tier 2 teams are: Chaos, Chaos pact, Elf, High Elf, Human, Khemri, Nurgle, Slann.
  • Tier 3 teams - 1300K: Each player may purchase up to one "normal" skill. Two players may have a "double" skill rather than their "normal" or a "stacked" skill beyond their "normal". Tier 3 teams must be worth exactly 1.3 million in Team Value including skills and inducements. Tier 3 teams are: Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Underworld, Vampire.
  • “Normal skill” is a skill a player can take in a normal raise.
  • “Double skill” is a skill a player can take if he would rolling a double.
  • “Stacked skill” is another normal skill of a player who already bought a normal skill (ie 2 normal skills on a player).
  • You may purchase inducements (except for cards) which is included in your TV when you create your team, including star players according to the usual restrictions (ie 0-2 star players, the team must first have 11 regular players). You can buy Briebes, Chef, Wizard, Igor, Wandering apotecary with the same restrictions / discounts that your team would normally have.
  • Non-pork: You may only buy a certain skill 3 times for your team regardless of whether it is bought as normal or double.

Extra rules during gameplay

  • If two teams that play against each other has hired the same star player, he/she is not a member of either team during the match as he/she sits in the stands and counts his money.


After each match

65pts - Win

30pts - Draw

10 pts - Loss

2pts - per TD made

2pts - per CAS made from a block

Tiebreakers: If two teams have the same score the order is determined with following tiebreakers in descending order: number of game won, TD balance, CAS balance, first registered.

Final / Grudgematch

The two teams with the highest score (pts) after five rounds will meet in the final where the winner become NärkeBowl champion.

The two coaches who end up 3rd and 4th in points after five rounds meet in a game for third prize.

Other coaches will be play a final grudgematch against someone they have not met during the tournament.

Prizes / awards

NärkeBowl will award prizes for:

  1. 1st - 4: place
  2. Going For It (Mostly made TD's)
  3. Big Bully (Most distributed CAS)
  4. Mini me (best ranked Goblins, Ogre or Halfling team)
  5. Wooden Spone (last place in the tournament)

A coach can only win one prize / award. Most CAS goes to the outside of the top 3 that have scored the most CAS and so on.

Prices are from Gaspez arts -


There are no sleeping facilities at the school but you can sleep at the home of participants from Örebro, air mattress or in a guest bed / on the couch. If interested, give us a notice and you will be contacted with one Örebro coach. For those of you who want a little more comfortable, there are hotels nearby, but we have no special deal with any hotel.

NärkeBowl 2012

29-30 september, Örebro universitets Kårhuset.

Anmälan sker till med komplett laguppställning, namn, mobilnummer och ev. NAF -nummer senast 16/9. Kostnad 150 kr, betalning sker via paypal till Alla deltagare får tre specialdesignade blocktärningar, som är designade enligt nedan bild:



Lördag 29/9

09:30 - 10:00 Setup/registrering

10:00 - 12:15 Runda 1

12:15 - 13:15 Lunch

13:15 - 15:30 Runda 2

15:30 - 15:45 Rast

15:45 - 18:00 Runda 3

18:00 - 18:15 Rast

18:15 - 20:30 Runda 4

Söndag 30/9

10:00 - 12:15 Runda 5

12:15 - 13:15 Lunch

13:15 - 15:30 Final/grudgematch

15:30 - 15:45 Rast

15:45 - 16:30 Pris utdelning

Vad ska man ta med sig?

Ditt lag - Modellerna får komma från vilket företag som helst. Alla modellerna måste vara tydligt numrerade och igenkänningsbara som det de ska föreställa.

2 kopior av din team roster - En som du använder under turneringen och en till domarna. Alla spelare ska vara namngivna.

Tärningar (block/d8/d6), templates - Matcher ska spelas med standard blocktärningar (från GW eller NAF) om inte de spelande coacherna själva kommer överrens om annat.

Blood bowl plan, dugouts - Ni kommer förmodligen inte behöva använda era egna men det är aldrig fel med extra.


Tournament format:

  • Blood bowl Competition rules (LR 6.0) + slann, underworld and chaos pact
  • Rescurrection - dvs du spelar med samma lag varje omgång. 6-matcher över lördag/söndag. Swisslottning match 2-5.
  • Alla målade lag får en extra cheerleader och assistant coach gratis. Målning bedöms på plats men minst 3 färger och baser samt hela modellen målad krävs.
  • Förlägnning - Inga förlängningar spelas utan om det är oavgjort efter två halvlekar slutar matchen som oavgjord. Undantag för denna regel är finalen och matchen om 3:e plats som spelar förlängning enligt LR 6.0.
  • Väder - Vädret rullas av topp bordet i början av varje runda och är således likadant i samtliga matcher.
  • Kickoff table - Vi kommer att ha vår egen kickoff table.

Team creation:

  • Tier 1 lag - 1250K: Varje spelare får köpa max en "normal" skill. Tier 1 lag måste vara värt exakt 1250000 i Team Value inkl skills och inducements. Tier 1 lag är alla lag som inte är med i en annan Tier.
  • Tier 2 lag - 1270K: Varje spelare får köpa max en "normal" skill. En spelare får ha en "dubbel" skill istället för sin "normala" eller en "stackad" skill utöver sin "normala". Tier 2 lag måste vara värt exakt 1270000 i Team Value inkl skills och inducements. Tier 2 lag är: Chaos, Chaos pact, Elf, High Elf, Human, Khemri, Nurgle, Slann.
  • Tier 3 lag - 1300K: Varje spelare får köpa max en "normal" skill. Två spelare får ha en "dubbel" skill istället för deras "normala" eller en "stackad" skill utöver deras "normala". Tier 3 lag måste vara värt exakt 1300000 i Team Value inkl skills och inducements. Tier 3 lag är : Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Underworld, Vampire.
  • ”Normal skill” är en skill en spelare kan ta vid en vanlig höjning.
  • "Dubbel skill” är en skill en spelare kan ta om denne får välja en skill efter att ha slagit dubbelt på höjningsslaget.
  • ”Stackad skill” är en till normal skill på en spelare som redan köpt en normal skill (dvs 2 normala skills på en spelare).
  • Du får köpa inducements (utom kort) som räknas med i din TV, inkl. starplayers enligt de vanliga begränsningarna (dvs 0-2 starplayers, laget måste först ha 11 vanliga spelare). Du får således även köpa Briebes, Chef, Wizard, Igor, Wandering apotecary med samma begränsningar/rabatter som ditt lag vanligtvis skulle ha.
  • Icke-fläsk: Du får bara köpa till en viss skill 3 gånger till ditt lag oavsett om den är köpt som normal eller dubbel.

Extra rules during gameplay

Om två lag som möter varandra har hyrt in samma starplayer är denne inte med i något av lagen under matchen då den sitter på läktaren och räknar sina pengar.


Efter varje match

65pts - Vinst

30pts - Oavgjort

10 pts - Förlust

2pts - per TD gjord

2pts - per CAS motståndaren får mot sig

Tiebreakers: Om man har samma poäng avgörs ordningen i tabellen genom i fallande ordning: antal vunna matcher, TD balans, CAS balans, först anmäld.

De två som har högst poäng (pts) efter fem omgångar kommer mötas i final där vinnaren blir NärkeBowl mästare.

De två spelare som hamnar 3:a och 4:a i poäng efter fem omgångar möts i en match om tredje pris.

Övriga spelare lottas att spela en avslutande match mot någon de hittills inte mött under turneringen.


Närkebowl kommer dela ut priser och utmärkelser för:

  1. 1:a - 4:de plats
  2. Going For It (Mest gjorda TD's)
  3. Big Bully (Mest utdelad Cas )
  4. Mini me (bäst rankade stunty lag - dvs Goblins, Ogre eller Halflinglag )
  5. Wooden Spone (sist i turneringen)

En coach kan bara vinna ett pris/utmärkelse. Flest TD tillfaller därför den utanför top 3 som gjort flest TD:s. Flest CAS tillfaller den utanför top 3 som inte gjort flest TD osv.

Priserna kommer från Gaspez arts -


Det finns sovmöjligheter i anslutning till skolan hemma hos deltagare, golv på medtagen luftmadrass eller i en gästsäng/på en soffa. Vid intresse skriv det i anmälan så kommer du sättas i kontakt med en Örebroare som ordnar sovplats.

För er som vill ha det lite bekvämare finns det hotell i närheten, men vi har inget speciellt avtal med något hotell.

 /Coach M

Ovido - Quiz & Flashcards