Bowlesque exposure

Side line recap #3 - Rats & Eurobowl

Av T-side Ape - 2012-11-30 13:52

It is always like this. You have an ambition to write often but then it gets less often and more not at all. But hey, now I am back with allot to tell you.

New kids on the pitch

Team Snö from Greebo is a new beautiful Norse team and if you are in the mind frame to buy a Norse team this is one of the best on the market.

UsCarl miniatures have released a Renegade elf team that could work for dark elfs.

Gaspez have some mummies for ther Egyptian warrior team - Khemri.

Willy miniature is about to kick start a Chaos team   that also looks really great. They have no miniatures yet but the pictures look top notch.

There is also this kick starter for some goblin secret weapons with a Halloween theme, and maybe a robotic troll...

I might have missed some of the new miniatures due to the long "blog writers block" but in the case I find newer teams out there they will be added in future Side Line recaps.

Bowl overview

This section will be mostly about EuroBowl but first I will mention the upcoming tournaments in Sweden. Next year has a great start of the tournament scene in Sweden!

Choose from:

Landskamp Denmark vs. Sweden - round 3.12 January in Copenhagen. RES/SWISS 1100K + 3 skills.

DOUBT IV 12-13 January in Umeå. RES/SWISS 1200K +4 skills (+2 more after game 4) 6 games in total.

TWIN mountain cup, 26-27 January in Sundsvall. RES/SWISS 1100K + skillpacks.

I am sure I will go to DOUBT and then we will see if can join any more tournament.

EuroBowl report

I was in team Sweden and went to Copenhagen to play some Blood Bowl. I had a Wood elf team with 2 wardancers, 4 catchers, 5 linemen and 3 rerolls. In hindsight can I see that it wasn't that optimal... It was great fun to hang with Team Sweden and to approach the game as a team. That was totally different from regular tournaments. The arrangement was also super good. The Danes had really made an effort to make it a perfect blood bowl tournament and I think they were pretty close to perfection.

 Team Sweden in all its glory

Game 1

We meet Belgium first and I was up against another wood elf coach - Da great MC. He played 2 wardancers, 4 catchers, 1 tree, 4 line and 2 reroll. Sure hands on a catcher, strip ball on a wardancer and one more skill I do not remember.


After a brutal Pitch invasion traded we TD:s for 1-1. He had the ball for a second try first half. I got a leap/sack chance with my strip ball wardancer, got the ball lose and then after a bunch it ended in my wardancers hand. Sadly he couldn't get away with it as he was out of moment so The MC just rolled a POW and scored in turn 8. In second half no one was able to stop the other one from scoring so the result was 3-4 to MC. He was the better player and had a little better time management so he was up 2-1 till the second half.

         The Belgium team gave us a great treat to eat. 

Team Sweden over all draw agains the Belgium team - 4-4.

Game 2

Next up was England and I was up against a Chaos Dwarf team played by Lycos. This was my 6:th NAF ranked game in my life. It was his 807:th...

I got the ball and the offense but wasn't able to stall enough as I had to score in turn 4. That meant that he had 5 turns to even things out. He got a high kick on a bull centaur that cached the ball and ran the Bull in a cage that was really hard to stop. 1-1 after first half. In second half he picked up the ball with a bullcantaur and ran it in a cage. It was hard to stop also this time. My one turn attempt failed.

As a curiosity was the only player that failed a roll in the Chaos Dwarf team the Minotaur, he rolled both down 4 times during the game. Due to this had Lycos not used a single reroll during the whole game.

1-2 Loss.

Over all beat the English team the crap out of Sweden. I think the result was 2-6 to England.

Game 3

A little discouraged I went into the next game against Scotland. To my surprise I meet a Swede - Tribble - that played as a freebooter for Scotland. To my joy was he playing Goblins.


It got even better when I rolled Blitz! for the first drive, stole the ball and scored on my turn 1. I then proceeded with another Blitz! roll, another TD and all the Bribes gone. Let's summarize the rest of the game with this: Tribble had really bad dices and I rolled great. Nuffle gives and Nuffle takes.

End result 5-0. Win!

Sweden vs. Scotland went in our favour as we won and Team Sweden got back some steam for game 4.

Game 4

This was a game against Finland (or minor Sweden as we think about it). I was up against a freebooter from Denmark so I had two of our neighbors in the same match. I was facing Kneagtens Humans and as he has his own playbook I thought I had him scouted pretty well.

This was a crazy game in all regards. Kneagten played as he writes in his playbook and fouled, 13-14 times during the game. He was evicted 2 times. He succeeded to score in the first half with a crazy play #pick up, pass, catch in tackle zones...# and evened things out to 1-1. As second half come along so did "get the ref" and the fouling continued. In the end I did not have the man power to stop him so I had to play for a draw with a desperate play. Let's call it Nobody puts side-step wardancer in the corner without the ball.

And yes, you can see my whole team at that point in this picture. Kneagten did that 5+ dodge with a catcher and blitzed both players out in the audiens before he scored. All without reroll.  

2-3 loss.

The important thing is that Sweden won over Finland. 6-2

Second day

Game 5

After cleaning our cabin we faced of against France. I was up against Elyoukey who played Lizardmen.

It was a good game. I scored 1-0 in the first half and succeeded to prevent Elyoukey to equalize. Second half started and the wood elf team had forgot to put on their armor... In a few turns the whole team just vanished to the knock out, injury booths. For the last 2 turns Tribble went for a clearing of the pitch but I succeeded to have one player standing. The game ended 1-1. Draw.

All my players on the pitch and some of his.  

As a whole was France better than Sweden that day and won 5-3 over us.

Game 6

Spain was our next challange and I was facing Barrys Norse. A very nice looking team.


I scored easy in first half leaving Barry with two turns to equalize. He rolled well and we had 1-1 after first half. For the first game in a while my players stayed on the pitch so I could slow Barry down in the second half. It was a tight defense and Barry couldn't find any cracks. On the other side, I couldn't get to the ball.

The game ended 1-1 Draw.

Over all Sweden got another beating and Spain won. 5-3

Game 7

Final game was againstSwitzerland and I was facing BDG and his Skavens.

He started with the ball and tried a pass that fell short. I could take the lead and after the next kick-off sack the ball high up on his court. After first half I had a 2-0 lead. I attacked second half and got 3-0. He suceeded to do a TD. I failded my last 2+ roll for 4-1 and he scored for the end result.

3-2 Win.

Sweden won over Switzerland. 6-2.

As the dust settled It seemed that Sweden came on place 8/14. With my 2 won, 2 draw, 3 losses I placed 66 out of 112 coaches. The total experience was a blast! I will definitive do it again if I get the chance. All the coaches and the staff where really friendly and by far this was the best tournament I ever been to.

Next year it is in Austria!

Ready steady go!

At last have I finished the White Rat Thrashers - my new Skaven team made to be possible to play at tournaments that just will accept miniatures from Gran Wendy.  So I give you:


The team have basecolor as follows: white - thrower, yellow - gutterrunners, red - blitzers.

What will i do next? Undead/Nekro i think...

/Coach M.



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